Deborah Gorlin is the author of two previous books of poems, BODILY COURSE, White Pine Poetry Press Prize, 1997, and LIFE OF THE GARMENT, Bauhan Publishing, winner of the 2014 May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize. Her new book of poems, OPEN FIRE, Bauhan Publishing, has been published this Spring, 2023. She has published in a wide range of journals including Poetry, American Poetry Review, Bomb, New England Review, Prairie Schooner, and Best Spiritual Writing 2000. Recent poemsappear in Plume, On the Seawall, the Ekphrastic Review, Mass Poetry, the Hard Work of Hope, The Common, and Rumors, Secrets & Lies, Swimm. Her lyric essay, “Jack of All Trades,” was published as a finalist in Calyx magazine’s 2022 Margarita Donnelly Prize for Prose Writing. Emeritus co-director of the Writing Program at Hampshire College, she served for many years as a poetry editor at The Massachusetts Review.